Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bless me Ultima #20 Ch.22 Prt. 2

I loved the ending even though Ultima and her owl died.
So, I came to the conclusion that Ultimas Owl was her spirit, When Tenorios third daughter died she confessed to him that the only way to kill Ultima was to kill her owl, and he did. He later died as well. My favorite words that Tony told Ultima was "Bless me Ultima", he said that to her because he did not want her to die.
This book symbolized the clashing of religion, the different point of views of people, and how everyone should be respected.

Bless me Ultima #19 Ch.22 Prt. 1

So I decided to divide this chapter into two because it is TOO LONG!
Tony and his dad speak about religion, Tony asks if new religions can be made and his father tells him something very important, that there are much more religions than the Catholic Church, and that he can create his own religion if he wants.

This part is very crucial to the book, because his father is answering his questions and confusions about what God to believe in, I can relate to his uncertainty sometimes in that i wish God could speak to me, just like a ton of people say he speaks to them.
What i liked about this section is that Tony gets to go with his uncles the LUNAS, and work the fields. He also goes there to see if he is really meant to be a priest.

Bless me Ultima #18 Ch.21

This has got to be the saddest chapters of them all, as i was re-reading it, i couldn't help but let out a sigh of sorrow=[...Florence the kid that is the same age as Tony was swimming in a lake with Horse and some other kids from school, Florence decides to dive, he never came back up and when he did he was already swollen and dead.
What i found interesting about this is because Tony was about to tell Florence the secret of the Golden Carp, as he's looking for him, he witnesses his death, because he came at the precise moment when he flouted up. This is the third death Tony witnesses, the first being when Lupito got shot in front of his eyes, then Narcisco and now Florence. I find it unfair that a child so young can witness such horendouse things in a short period of time.
What i also found interesting about Florence's death is that he did not believe in God, maybe God took his life away from him because he did not believe in him, or maybe the Golden Carp and the mermaid took them away, because right when Tony is going to tell him about the Golden Carp, it turns out he's dead!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bless me Ultima #17 Ch.20

In this Chapter Tenorios second daughter is in her death bed. She has already put a curse on Tellez, another man that has found out about the sisters witch craft. I found this story very interesting as well because this time its spirits gone insane that are haunting the Tellez family. Tellez asks Ultima to go to his house in the town of Las Aguas Negras which used to be the homes of the comanche Indians. Underneath the house that Tellez lives in there was three corpses buried, they were not given confession when they died and they had a brutal death, so Tenorios daughters took advantage of that and awoke them from death. Now thats why crazy things are going on in Tellez's house. Ultima goes and puts them to rest. Later on the news spreads that Tenorios second daughter has died.
This is important in the book because it is Tenorios second daughter that dies, so his revenge is growing more and more. At this point he wants to kill Ultima no matter what.

Bless me Ultima #16 Ch.19

Tony finally does his First Communion. I found it funny when Tony was in line, and horse was in front, he had taken the body of christ, Tony asked Horse what he felt and Horse said he was hungry.
Then it was Tony's turn to take the body of christ and he had this whole mind set that God would finally talk to him and help him solve all of his problems but instead he heard nothing, he felt horrible because he was waiting for something that was never going to happen.

Bless me Ultima #15 Ch.18

In this Chapter, Tony is about to do his first communion, it is Ash Wednesday a day when you get ashes rubbed in your forehead. Tony and his friends decide to play the game of Confession.
This game is horrible because the little kids start telling their sins to Tony and how they have witnessed some nasty things.
I thought it was hilarious when the character of Horse confessed that he made a whole and that he could see the girls going to the bathrooms, he's a sick kid.
They then call up Florence up for confession, and he tells them he has no sins, the kids want Tony to punish him, but Tony refuses so the kids end up punching and beating up Tony.
I love how Tony stood up for his friend, what a real priest would do.

Bless me Ultima #14 Ch.16-17

Chapter 16 is short, but it's just Tony going to is first communion class, there he meets a kid named Florence. I was shocked when i read that Florence did not believe in God. The town of Las Pasturas is extremely religious and if anyone finds out that Florence doesnt believe in God, then the towns people will hang him.

Chapter 17 is when it gets more intense because Tony is so into his first communion and especially because he gets to receive god in his soul, so he does confession and gets ready to do his first communion.
This is a very important part in the book because Tony is going to find out for himself if God does really speak to people.

Bless me Ultima #13 Ch.15

In Chapter 15, Eugene, and Leon come back. They come back running away from the law, I didn't like how they just came and then decided to leave, this time taking Andrew with them. This again shattered their dads dream to move to California.
The reason why i think Andrew left with his brothers this time is because he must have felt guilt for not helping Narcisco out when he needed it.
Now Tony is the only man in the house and he is stuck with the two worlds of his parents. His mom is still stuck with idea of making him into a priest, so that he could be the pride and joy of his Luna family.

Bless me Ultima #12 Ch.13-14

Chapter 13 was short, all it mentioned was the burial of Tenorios daughter, they had to throw sulfuric acid instead of holy water which i thought was crual, but she deserved it.

Chapter 14 is the climax of the book. Narcisco won't let Tenorio get Ultima, and when he finds out that Tenorio has a plan to kill her he goes to tell Andrew, What Tenorio doesnt know is that Tony is following him, so he follows him to Rosies, not knowing why he'd be going to that hor house. He is surprised when he hears Narcisco yelling the name of his brother to get out and likewise Andrew comes out of the house with a half naked girl. Since Narcisco is a drunk, Andrew did not believe him and he slammed the door in his face.
This was very important in the story because it was proven to Tony that his brother is a sinner, and in the story of the Golden Carp, the more sinners the faster the whole town will drown.
So while Narcisco is on his way to warn Ultima, Tenorio comes out of nowhere and shoots Narcisco twice, killing him cowardly.
This is Tonys second time witnessing a death, Tenorio sees Tony and points and shoots, but no bullet comes out, he curses Ultimas owl, because she is his protector. Narcisco calls Tony and begs him to pray for him so he could go to heaven, Tony having expierience with Ultima prays for him and Narcisco dies...=[...

This is the climax to the book because it is the first time Tenorio kills someone that gets in his way. If he has killed once he will do it again, so he is a murder on the loose and thats not good. The book is getting so freaking excited at this point!

Bless me Ultima #11 Ch.12

This Chapter is were the rising actions is close to the climax. One of tenorios daughters is to the point of death so he tells all of the town that Ultima is a witch. So the whole town goes and hunts down Ultima at Tony's house. Tony's mother and father don't let anyone come close to Ultima, so in order for the people to believe that Ultima is not a witch she has to pass the witch test. This test meant for her having to go into a house with a holy cross in the door. She passes the test and the people rebel against Tenorio. Ultimas owl then attacks Tenorio and makes him lose his eye, he seeks vengeance and will do anything to kill Ultima at this point because he just got the news that his daughter is dead and since the whole town knows she is a witch she cannot be buried in holy ground and can't have mass at church.
Anaya is clever in his system with writing his stories, I love how he leaves the reader wanting to read more and more. That is why when i first read this book i couldn't put it down until i finished it. The fact that Tenorio led a mob to kill Ultima and then the mob turned against him really kept me entertained and relievd that Anaya chose to keep Ultima alive for this part of the book.

Bless me Ultima #10 Ch.11

I loved this chapter, It is the first time that Tony gets to meet the Golden Carp. Since Samuel is gone, Cico takes him to see it, since it only comes once a month. When Tony first sees him he is amazed on how big and shiny its golden scales are. Cico tells him that only certain people can see the Golden Carp and that you have to be the chosen one in order to know about him, The golden carp chooses who he wants to be the chosen one. Cico then tells Tony the story of the mermaid and how she is hidden deep beneath the ocenas surface.

- What i found most interesting is when Tony mentions that God's power failed to cure Lucas sickness but Ultima power did, he is confused as to who to believe in, God, Ultimas healing powers, or the Golden Carp. I find this interesting because Tony is young and the whole world seems to be unfolding in front of him, this reminds me of myself, when i found out that babies come from girls and not from birds. So i could definitely relate with Tony.
-Then Cico goes on to tell Tony about the secret of the Town of Las Pasturas, it is all surrounded with water and if the people from the town keep on sinning they will all drown just like the people who ate the carp did! So again this is another thing that Tony has to worry about.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bless me Ultima #9 Ch.10

Chapter 10 is were the rising action starts to build, so Tony's mother receives the unfortunate news that his brother Lucas had been bewitched, and that it was the work of a bruja (witch). he was so sick that he was now on his death bed. They said that he witnessed the witches dancing around a ball of fire and that to silence him they chose to curse him, a curse that caused him to have his mouth clamped shut, preventing him from eating or talking. Tony's mom pleaded to Ultima to help her brother out and she said yes. She told Tony to come with her.
Ultima then tells them that it was the work of Tenorios daughters, they are known as the three brujas who work at a hair salon. They fulfilled their curse one day when Lucas went to cut his hair at their salon, they saved a piece of his hair and with that the potion was complete. I found it so interesting how Anaya tells his stories, they are so interesting and make so much sense that i have memorized them. Anyways back to the story, Ultima goes to visit Tenorio at his house, she tells him to tell her daughters to take the curse off of Lucas, he laughs at her and tells her shes crazy. Ultima threates him with the life of his daughters, he laughs again and throws her out of his store.
Ultima then goes to the house in which Lucas is in, he is fragile. She gives him a whole lot of potions until he throws up a ball of hair, the hair that the three sisters used to curse him. It takes three days to take this curse off, and Lucas is saved. Ultima puts a curse on the three sisters. Since i already read the book I know that the three sisters will die because of the curse that Ultima placed on them.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bless me Ultima #8 Ch. 9

Chapter nine starts off with Tony having a memory of his brothers going into Rosies, which is pretty much a whore house. He pleads for them not to go in but they do. He wakes up terrified to the thought of his brothers becoming sinners. I didn't really like the first few pages of this book because Eugene and leon leave. By doing this they leave their mom and dad heartbroken, Andrew can't believe they left so soon. Andrew is the only one who stayed and he decides to take Tony to school, again the Vitamin kid shows up and challenges them to a race, they lose of course. Then when Tony get's out of school, he meets up with Samuel. They mentioned that fishing for carp is bad luck. He told Tony the story of Jason's Indian and how he told Samuels father a story about carp and why it is forbidden to eat them. I found this story very interesting, I put it in my own words like this:
- So he mentions that the carp were put in the river and were not to be eaten, one day the world flooded and the only thing to eat was the carp so the people ate it, the gods got mad and cursed the people, they were about to kill all the people for what they did, but then there was one god that stood up for them, so the gods gave the people a second chance and instead turned them all into carp. The god that saved the people is known as the Golden Carp, he still roams the rivers. I found this passage interesting because Tony is a Catholic and by believing in this new god he is breaking one of Gods amendments, You shall not have any gods before me. Tony is confused and does not know who to believe.